Arctic Half-Light

“…in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise…”

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Ray Gamradt
Long Grass

I don't want to paint every blade of grass. I don't want to paint very much of the moose, either, come to think of it…

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Ray Gamradt
Caribou Portrait

We could have been walking through a sheep paddock. The late September snow from a few days earlier was trampled to gravel and dust in a hundred-foot swath from one horizon to the other…

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Ray Gamradt
A Passing Fancy

Twice a year I live in the company of cranes. Twice a year I hear their bugled calls and twice a year I look up and wonder what the arrival of the pterodactyls would have looked and sounded like to the terrestrials…

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Ray Gamradt